Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Special Visitors

 Hadley's mom, dad, and sister came to celebrate Hadley's birthday.  They shared some great stories with the class!

Friday, January 19, 2024

Social Studies

We continued our government unit. We discussed the duties of government leaders and the rights of citizens. Students learned that our country is a republic where leaders are elected, and citizens can share their voice through voting.

Fiction Reading

This week we examined a folk tale and discussed how folktales often use literary and cultural language to convey a story that has been passed down from generation to generation. The story may use trickery, traditional artwork, and help explain a wonder of the world. We also enjoyed reading Zen Shorts this week! Students made inferences by using their background knowledge and evidence from the text to figure out each story’s theme. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Chapter 8 Math

We are now working on Chapter 8.  In this Chapter, we will be focusing on fractions.  We will be learning about equivalent fractions, comparing fractions with like and unlike denominators, and adding and subtracting fractions.  Here are some videos to help you and your child at home.  There are quite a few videos because this is quite a complex unit.

Basic Fractions

Understanding Fractions

Fraction Song

Types of Fractions

Equivalen Fractions

Visual Equivalent Fractions

Comparing Fractions

Adding Fractions with Like Denominators

Adding and Subtracting Fractions