Friday, August 30, 2013

Please sign all the forms!  (-:

Hi, everyone!  This is just a reminder to please send back all the forms that have been sent home.  These include my parent handbook, the district parent handbook, background information if you want to volunteer at school, etc.  Thanks!


We have been learning about how maps are used in our world.  We learned about cardinal and intermediate directions.  We also learned about how latitude and longitude are used to identify a location.  Next week, your child will participate in a project-based assessment.  This assessment will be done at school.  There will be no review guide.
Creating a Conversation in Your Mind

This week, during our reading time, we discussed how it is important to have a conversation in your mind while reading text.  We discussed how good readers ask questions, make connections and think deeply about text.  We read the story How Many Day to America? by Eve Bunting as a class and then talked about how to think deeply while reading.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Welcome to 4-1 and welcome to our blog!
I am so excited about getting to know all of you this school year!

Parent Handbook
I sent home the parent handbook on Thursday.  Please review it and sign the two forms.  Please cut them out and return the bottom portion of each form.  Please keep the handbook at home in order to view when you have questions.

Map Skills
The students are working in caravan groups to learn map skills.  Students are working in small groups to demonstrate specific map skills.  They will earn travel dots to help them travel the world on our Caravan map.