Sunday, September 28, 2014

Borrowing Subtraction Explanation

Basic regrouping when subtracting three digit numbers:

Here is an explanation of borrowing subtraction to help you with our current math unit.

Math Enrichment

For each math unit, I will be pretesting your child. This will help me understand what your child knows and what they might need further support with in their learning.  Based upon your child's responses, I will be offering all students enrichment opportunities in the classroom.  In addition, there will be opportunities for your child to participate in more challenging homework as well.  This will help enhance their learning and their love for math.

Why Carrying Addition Works

Why carrying works:

Here is a great explanation on why carrying addition works.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Today at school, we learned how to use dream box.  Your child's password is in their assignment notebook.  It is the same password that you use for typing training.  We are trying to consolidate the amount of passwords your child has to learn.  If your child wants to use this at home, have them click the link below.  They can then login and have a great time practicing and learning.  You can bookmark it on your home computer so that your child can find it on a regular basis.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Unit One Math Test

Your child got back their math test today.  They should correct their test in pen and then get it signed and return it school.  If they got a perfect score, they do not need to correct it, but should still get it signed and return it to school.  Thanks!


This week, we focused on nonfiction.  We discussed features of nonfiction text and how they help support your comprehension.  We also learned how to reflect as you read nonfiction.  We will continue to read nonfiction next week, focusing on the features of nonfiction text and finding the main idea.

Map Project

Everyone should be hard at work on their map project.  I sent home an explanation of the project including the rubric.  Your child is to create their own country.  Encourage them to pay careful attention to the requirements for the project.  Please contact me with any questions you have.  The project is due September 23rd.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

MAP Testing

Your child will be taking the MAP tests on Tuesday and Friday in our classroom on the computers.  For those of you who are not familiar with these assessments, these tests provide me with valuable information to provide specific instruction for your child.  Your child will take the math on Tuesday at 10:15 am and the Reading test on Friday at 2pm.  You can help your child do their best by encouraging them to get plenty of rest and eat a healthy breakfast, snack and lunch.  Please contact me if you have any questions.

Unit One Math Test

Unit One in math is coming to a close.  We have reviewed many concepts and they will be taking their first Math Test on Thursday.  We will review in class the first two.  Please review with them at home.  We will review in class on Monday and Wednesday.  Let me know if you have any questions!

Character Traits

This week in class we discussed the traits or qualities of a character.  We created a list of character traits for your child to keep in their reading folder and then we read two stories where we identified the character's traits in the stories.  The students worked on being able to identify character traits and then support it with information from the text.

Map Skills Project

Next week, on Tuesday, I will be assigning a create your own map project to be completed at home.  This will be a culminating project to go along with all of the things we have been learning in class.  Please be looking for the information.  They will be due on September 23rd.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Spelling Lists

Here are the spelling lists for the week in case you need an extra!  (:

Here is the regular list:

Here is the challenge list:

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Unit One Math

We are in the middle of our first unit of math.  We are reviewing  a lot of different concepts.  We have reviewed data collection and graphing, measurement and time.  There is still more to come!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Map Skills

We are currently learning about how to read different maps and what their purposes are.  We have been learning how to use a map key, cardinal directions, intermediate directions, and next week we will be learning about how to measure distances on a map.  Once we complete this unit, we have a fun project planned to be completed at home, so stay tuned!

Curriculum Night

Thank you so much for coming to Curriculum Night on Wednesday evening.  It was wonderful seeing and meeting everyone.  I know it is going to be a great year!