Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Field Day

Field Day is coming up on Friday.  Please send you child with a water bottle, sunscreen, and a towel (for lunchtime).  This will help keep them hydrated and sunburn free!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Regular Spelling This Week

Hi!  This week is various words that are homophones, so everyone is going to take the regular list.  This is great practice for all students.  They should do their spelling homework based upon the first twenty words.  The test will be on all twenty-five words this week.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Electricity Lab Reports

This week, we brainstormed questions that we still have regarding electricity and how it works. After we created the list, the students chose the question that they would like to answer and are working on a lab to answer it! The students had to develop a list of materials, a hypothesis, and a procedure to answer the assigned question. Each of the groups will present their results using photos and videos that they took. Their Power Points are on Edmodo!

Blood on the River

This week we have started the novel Blood on the River by Elisa Carbone. This story is about a boy named Sam Collier, an orphan assigned as a page to Captain John Smith, on a journey to the New World. The students are reading the story through the eyes of Sam through his struggles and triumphs on this dangerous journey. The struggles of the journey to the New World are truly brought to life through Sam's eyes. It is a great story about about the importance of relying on each other and working together towards a goal. Ask your child about what is happening as we read each day!

Interested in Being a Patrol?

Are you interested in being a patrol?  Are you interested in helping others?  If your answer is yes to these two questions and would like to be a patrol next year, there is a meeting on May 9th at lunchtime recess to tell you all about it.  Attendance is mandatory.  I was a patrol when I was in 5th grade and love it!!!