Thursday, November 20, 2014

Parent Teacher Conferences

I am looking forward to meeting with you all at conferences.  If you can't remember your conference time, feel free to email me or call the office.  Cherie and Lori, our office staff, will have a copy of my schedule.  See you soon!

Writing Words

I sent home a copy of the October and November Writing Words on Monday.  Please help your child review these words over Thanksgiving break.  We will take our Writing Words test on Monday after break.


Now that we have completed our unit on Habitats, we are beginning our unit on the Midwest.  We will be learning about the land, history, and the names of each state and capital.  This week we learned about the land and its rich soil and trees.  We also created notecards with the name of each state and the capital on the other side.  Please use these notecards to help your child the capitals at home.  At the end of the unit, your child will be required to label the location of each state the capital.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Owl Pellets

During science this week, we dissected owl pellets.  The class got to learn about the food that barn owls eat based upon what they found.  The students had a bone list that they use to to try to help them match up what they found in their owl pellets.  It was a great learning opportunity for all the students.

Friday, November 7, 2014

New Homes for our Class Pets

Our little class pets, Splendid and Mr. Crabbs are looking for new homes.  We are looking for willing families to consider adopting our class pets.  We have learned a lot about them during our study of habitats.  If you are interested in adopting our little friends, a note will be coming home today explaining the adoption process.  

Happy Halloween!

We had a wonderful time on Halloween!  Thank you to all our families who donated items for the class party and the parents who were able to attend and volunteer their time to make the party such a success!!!!!


Owl Pellets

We will be dissecting owl pellets on Tuesday.  Your child has a permission form for you to fill out.  Please fill it out by Tuesday or your child will not be able to participate in the experiment.  Thanks!