Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Habitat Unit

We have finished our Social Studies Unit on Map Skills and we are now entering our first unit for science, Habitats.  We will be learning what are habitats, how animals survive in various habitats, and animal adaptations.  We will be using certain food products for our experiments, so you will be receiving a letter letting you know which foods your child will have contact with.  We will not be eating any of the foods.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Making Connections as we Read

During reading, we have been talking about the importance of having a conversation in your mind as you read.  We have learned the importance of asking questions, making predictions, visualizing, and making connections.  This week, the students read an article in Time For Kids and then tried to make connections to the text to help them have a deeper understanding of what they were reading.  Next week we will begin talking about inferring and theme.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Map Skills Test

Today I sent home a review guide for our Map Skills test that we will be taking on Wednesday.  Your child will be bringing home notecards on Monday to also help them study.  Let me know if you have any questions!

Say Cheese!

This is just a reminder that picture day is this Wednesday, September 30th.  Please send in your picture money and forms by this date.

Class Pets

We are so excited to be finishing up our map skills unit and be moving into our first science unit, habitats.  As a part of this unit, we will have class pets, two hermit crabs, as a part of our classroom.  We are so excited to watch and learn more about them.  Keep posted for their names next week!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Math Enrichment

For each math unit, I will be pretesting your child. This will help me understand what your child knows and what they might need further support with in their learning.  Based upon your child's responses, I will be offering all students enrichment opportunities in the classroom.  In addition, there will be opportunities for your child to participate in more challenging homework as well.  At the end of each unit, I will send the packet home.  If your child would like to complete the rest of enrichment at home, they are welcome to do this, but it is optional.  This will help enhance their learning and their love for math.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Making Your Own Map Project

In Social Studies we have been learning about maps.  Now it is your child's turn to create their own map.  They can create their own map using whatever theme they want (Star Island, Football Land, Ice Cream World, etc.)  The directions for the project are in your child's take home folder and I sent home large construction paper for them to use.  Let me know if you have any questions.

Unit One Math Test

We are about to have our first math test of the year!  On Wednesday, your child will have the Unit One math test.  I will be sending home the review guide on Monday.  We will be reviewing on Monday and Tuesday before the test.  You can help your child by looking over the review guide at home and helping your child use this to review concepts they need to practice.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

MAP Skills

We have been learning about maps and the purpose for various maps.  We have learned about the seven continents, map keys, and the compass rose.  We are now learning about the hemispheres and we are going to be focusing on map scale and distances this week.


This is just a reminder that your child needs to get a new calculator this year.  I will send home a note with your child on Monday to let you know if your child did not order one.  On the note it will include directions on how you can order a calculator if you are interested.  I do have some the children can borrow from if you decide not to purchase one.  They will use this calculator for third, fourth and fifth grade.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

MAP Testing

This week, your child will be taking two MAP tests.  We will be taking the Reading test on Tuesday and the Math test on Thursday.  You can help your child by ensuring they get a good nights rest, breakfast and a healthy snack for the morning.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Xtra Math

Don't forget that in your child's assignment notebook is the Xtra math website where you can have your child log in and practice their math facts.  This is optional but encouraged.  It is a great way to help reinforce mastery and automaticity of their facts.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Sign up for My Blog

Don't forget to sign up for my blog!  It's easy!  Just to the left is something that says, "Follow by Email."  Put in your email address in and click submit and it will add you to my email list.  Every time I update my blog, you will get an email about what is going on in 3-4!


We have begun the year by reading several wonderful picture books to introduce our Reader's Workshop model.  This week, we read Henry and the Buchaneer Bunnies by Carolyn Crimi, The Girl Who Hated Books by Manjusha Pawagi, Balloons Over Broadway by Melissa Sweet and The Plot Chickens by Mary Jane and Herm Auch.  We have been learning about different genres of books and why reading is important.  We have learned about the author's purpose for writing a book and about how to reflect as we read.