Friday, December 11, 2015

Midwest Test

On Monday, your child will take their Midwest Test.  He/she will take the Midwest states and location test on Tuesday.  I have sent home a review guide for both.  You can help your child by quizzing them using the blank map and the notecards I provided.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Nonfiction Movies

As a part of our nonfiction study in reading, the students made videos of nonfiction text features to help teach second graders about nonfiction text.  We will be meeting with them in January to share the videos we made.  Here are the student's videos.  Happy viewing!

By Brendan and Keith

By Owen, Olivia, and Sydney

By Costa and Cayden

By Kelly and Kya

By Anthony and Matthew

By Liv and Veronica

By Angelica and Maya

By Adrian and Dino

By Alex and Jack