Dear Parents,
Our class will be participating in Dryden’s own version of the Global Cardboard Challenge in December, inspired by a 9 year old boy, who built an arcade entirely out of cardboard. This cardboard idea sparked a movement and the Imagination Foundation, whose mission is to foster creativity and entrepreneurship in children around the world.
Students will be working in small groups to design something out of cardboard. They may have some parameters with ideas as to what the “something” could be, but the idea of this project is to foster collaboration and creativity. Students will also be problem solving, reflecting, and giving/receiving feedback as they design. The culminating activity will be an hour in the morning or afternoon of sharing and play with other classrooms that participated as well.
The classroom is in need of cardboard- all shapes, sizes, and colors! Please DO NOT send in cardboard that contained food at any point for allergy purposes. Examples of some great boxes- shoe boxes, Amazon boxes, etc. Please send in boxes on the Monday or Tuesday after Thanksgiving break. Also, if you have toilet paper or paper towel rolls at home, I will be collecting them all year long, so feel free to send them in anytime with your child. Many thanks in advance for your help!
We can’t wait to get creative!!
Mrs. Applebaum
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