Several Echos returned from their adventures this week.
A.J.'s Echo came from West Valley, New York, a rural community outside of Buffalo, New York. He had a wonderful time visiting his cousins there. It is a town with no stoplights. Echo had never been somewhere so rural before! He had a wonderful time learning about building wind farms and even got to drive a bulldozer while he was there!
Jason's Echo came back from beautiful Union, South Carolina. Echo went to visit Jason's Aunt Julia in rural South Carolina. Another visit to a small town! Echo got to know Augie, Julia's service dog. Echo also got to go over a bridge and go visit a large city, Charleston. He went with Aunt Julia to a hospital where he got to play the piano.
Izabela's Echo came back from warm and sunny Ft. Myer's Florida. She had a wonderful time laying out in the sun and seeing and swimming in the ocean. It was so warm, she went to the pool and a splash pad to cool off. She even clibmed a palm tree!
I can't wait to hear from more of our Echos out there. If your child has not received their Echo back, you may want to check in with the person who you sent it to. Our goal is to get them all back before January.
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